It’s normal to procrastinate and put off doing something because you don’t feel like it in the moment. But when is enough, enough? Today I want to share some tips on how to stop being lazy and stop procrastinating and become more productive instead.
It all starts with the desire to take a break and catch a breath during a busy day. However, before you know it, this “break” has extended to days, weeks or even months. You find yourself lazing around doing nothing productive. To cap it all, you keep getting that nagging feeling of guilt as you are reminded of the tons of work yet to be done – the goals yet to be achieved.
How To Stop Being Lazy
Although the laziness syndrome is real, the good news is that there are ways you can overcome it. It’s really not as difficult as you may think, so grab a seat and let’s dive right into the best ways to stop being lazy!
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1. Be Kind To Yourself
It’s very easy to beat yourself up for being a lazybone while tons of work remains undone. However, guilt tripping yourself won’t take you anywhere near getting the job done. You might just end up adding yet another unproductive day to the laziness hall of fame.
So yeah it’s normal to feel lazy, but, you should make efforts to address your laziness without feeling bad or guilty about it.
What to do?
First of all, you’ve got to discard perfectionism. The more you think you are not equal to the task or you’re not capable of getting the task done, the less motivated you are to do it.
To stop being lazy and overcome demotivation, understand that you are human and are therefore liable to have some flaws. No one is perfect. Even motivational speakers and those who appear to be the most successful people have got some flaws to deal with.
Understanding and accepting this fact will help you to be less judgmental about yourself and more open to making conscious efforts to be a better person. This way, laziness will eventually vanish.

2. Have A Plan
Now that you are mentally ready to give motivation a try, ensure you map out your strategy. Just as the saying goes, “He who fails to plan, plans to fail,” so, you have to scheme out how to go about it.
Having a plan will provide direction and confidence that will help you even if you meet a hurdle along the way. The goal is to get rid of laziness, stay motivated and get things done as quickly and as efficiently as possible. To achieve this, you’ve got to have a goal plan.
One core factor you shouldn’t take with levity is your time. Time is money! Learning the art of time management is a good way to start. Make an effort to schedule your activities in a daily routine as this will go a long way in helping you stay motivated.
For instance, if your goal is to give a killer presentation that will convince investors to put their funds in a project, then you have got to have a schedule that will give enough room for preparation and planning long before the actual presentation.
Planning how you will get something done can make it easier to get there. Nevertheless, while creating a goal plan, ensure you are realistic about how much time and of course resources you will be needing to meet your goal so things don’t flop and then flip you back to square one.
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3. Baby Steps Are Allowed
Often, we end up being lazy and unmotivated when we get overwhelmed by the amount of work we’ve got to put into something to achieve it. It happens. However, the better you learn how to paddle your canoe of goal planning, the lesser your chance of getting drowned in the lake of laziness and demotivation.
Like I said earlier, you’ve got to be realistic while making plans on how to achieve your goals. Plan your schedule according to your ability. Embrace baby steps by taking it one step at a time.
For instance, if your goal is to make straight A’s in your professional exams, while planning, ensure you don’t set unrealistic demands for yourself. If you are not the nocturnal type and you think late night studying will help boost your grades, scheduling an all-nighter at the first attempt is going to be a…not so great idea.
What do you do? You can take 30 minutes per night for the first week and then increase the duration as time goes. So that’s it. Don’t be scared to take baby steps, they will not only save you from slipping into demotivation, but they will also help you build up your strength and prowess in those activities.
4. Catch a Breath
Don’t be mistaken. Avoiding laziness and lack of motivation does not mean you should work and bore yourself to death. While you are making conscious efforts to achieve your goals and accomplish given tasks, ensure you take a chill pill to avoid burnout and stress.
Taking out time to catch a breath will help you feel more energetic, motivated to do better and encourage you to put more effort towards achieving your goal. Lack of rest, stress and fatigue will only make you less motivated to carry on.
So if you’ve got a 2 hour per session work schedule, ensure you take a break to unwind and relax. If you are having trouble with sticking to your time-limits, then you should make use of your alarm clock or a simple egg-timer. Also, scheduling apps like Doodle, Visibook and Timefree will come in handy.
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5. Take Away Distractions
Taking your time to evaluate why you are feeling demotivated will go a long way in helping you determine what might be distracting you. For example, if you end up gaming till late after you made up your mind to study all day, then it’s time you let go of those games.
Since gaming is usually the getaway zone for you each time you aren’t working, then it’s best you take the gaming away until you have acquired some level of self discipline. So, while you are trying to work on how to stop being lazy, think about what you do each time you are having a lazy day or time, and try to stop turning to that activity.
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6. Understand The Benefits Of Staying Motivated
You can do this by journaling! Ask yourself questions and make a list of the benefits you get to enjoy when you are motivated. This will serve as a morale booster and will help you want to work towards achieving your goals. Knowing the advantages of being motivated is motivation in itself.
7. Don’t Be Afraid Of Failure
Another important way to stop being lazy is by discarding your fear of the unknown. Fear will stop you from making efforts to be a better person. However, not taking your shot at it is worse than making an attempt and not succeeding.
It’s okay to be anxious about what the future holds, however, ensure you don’t get pessimistic about the results of your efforts. Even when you fail at an attempt, don’t be scared to take another shot. Be open to optimism.
8. Eat Well
You are what you eat. Studies have shown that the food we eat influences our activities. For example, high protein foods like eggs, almonds, and Greek yoghurt help with keeping sugar levels in the body stable.
This will help prevent any sluggish or lazy feeling that might be lurking around. In light of this, avoid consuming a high quantity of sugary and high fat foods. Soda, pasta, fast foods and co are off limits. Although, these foods will give you an immediate rush of adrenaline, they tend to drain your energy in the long run because they don’t digest quickly enough.
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9. Exercise
To stop being lazy in a matter of minutes, a work on your physical health will help a great deal. Just a few minutes of exercise can increase energy levels, improve mood, and reduce anxiety, stress and depression.
So the next time you are feeling uninterested in anything but food and sleep, take a few minutes off and try using the treadmill, take a walk down the block or even dance to your favorite music (of course, music that will get you moving…not opera or something).
Final Thoughts
As you make up your mind to try these tips out, understand that you are likely to experience hiccups in your plans. However, do not allow those interruptions stop you from making conscious efforts to stay motivated. Remember, you can achieve anything you put your mind to!
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