Amidst all the issues happening in the world today, from crime to the little problems we are facing in our homes, we are all striving to keep a sane mind regardless of how difficult it appears to be. There is always some form of negativity we are exposed to every…
Personal Development
10 Valuable Things You Will Regret Not Doing Sooner
Regret. Seldom is there a more persistent pain than our “if only” memories. It might not be a blazing agony, but this tiny monster claws at the same spot for years. Soon enough, regret sucks the joy from our lives. Jeepers, that was depressing. Now, here’s the good news. There’s…
30 Easy Ways To Practice Self Care You Need To Try This Year
Life is stressful sometimes, we can’t get around that. So it’s important to practice self care as often as possible. And self care can be about the simple things you enjoy. Simple things that make you happy. So I’m sharing some 30 simple ways to practice self care that you…
15 Bad Habits To Break This Year If You Want A Happy Life
Bad habits will impact your life whether you realize it or not. And bad habits can be especially detrimental to your every day happiness. Sometimes you need to look at which bad habits to break in order to take control of your life and be happy once more. Habits are…
10 Mental Health Habits to Adopt In 2020 For A Great Year
2019 was the year we saw a strong surge of mental health awareness. The public’s focus on health broadened to also include taking care of one’s mental and emotional health. People have finally realized that one of the keys to maintaining a healthy body is to have a healthy mind.…