What does it mean to be a strong, successful woman? The definition of success is of course different for everyone. For some, it’s being financially independent, for others it can be as simple as just being happy. It doesn’t matter what success is to you, what’s important is that you go after what you want so you don’t sit with regrets later on in life. Today I’ll share some important habits of successful women that can help you achieve success quicker.
So grab a cup of coffee and sit back. In this article, I will be your driver on a trip into the minds of highly successful women. If you want to become like them, read on.
Without further ado, here are the top 20 habits of successful women!

1. They practice gratitude
Gratitude is the quality of being grateful. To the heart, gratitude is like a medicine. In fact, gratitude is so important that meditational exercises aren’t complete without them. And, successful women understand this.
So, they hack the benefits.
When you practice gratitude, you will find yourself automatically focusing on the things that bring joy into your life, while ignoring the heartaches that come with life.
The truth is that no one has a perfect life. There will always be some form of insufficiencies here and there, whether emotionally, financially, or physically. However, the good news is that life is but a fleeting moment. If there will always be some form of heartache while you live, of what use is living in depression and ingratitude all your life?
Successful women understand this thoroughly, and so they practice it.
How can you do it?
Every morning, before beginning your day, get a piece of paper and a pen. Write down 3 things you are grateful for in your career, and then, another 3 things in your personal life. Any time you feel sad or down during the day, refer to this list. Let it be your light in the time of darkness.
How does this help?
Through gratitude, you develop a positive mindset. And with a positive mindset, you become more fruitful and productive!
2. They set goals and stick to them
Another habit of successful women is the ability to set goals. And not just setting goals, but also following them through. Setting a goal is the first step to turning the invisible into the visible. Through goal setting, successful women have clear-cut targets. These targets give them a sense of direction; a well-designed path to follow on the way to success.
Now to you! Ask yourself, “What do I want to achieve in the next 12 months? Where do I want to be?”
No! Don’t attempt to keep them in your head. Write these targets down.
Now, think of ways through which you could achieve these goals. Yep, it is that easy. That’s one of the simplest habits of successful women.
3. They are constantly working on self-improvement
A definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again – and expecting a different result. The truth is, success is intentional. No one is successful by chance or luck.
One of the key habits of successful women is the willingness to continuously improve themselves. Whether it is their spiritual, financial, emotional, or mental intelligence, successful women make sure there is always an addition to their abilities.
This way they build capacity for success.
Related: 11 Tips On How To Invest In Yourself And Change Your Life
4. They make their health and exercise a priority
Never try overworking yourself. If the goal is maximum productivity, you must learn to take your health seriously. Successful women understand that health is wealth. And, health is truly wealth. An active and healthy mind is always more fruitful (compared to a dull one).
Here’s an action tip: Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Also, exercise your body for 30 minutes every day.
Related: Easy ways to be more active without hitting the gym
5. They are morning angels
One of the most obvious habits of successful women is waking early. Since the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day, taking charge of the morning automatically means winning the day.
Successful women understand this, and that’s why they get up very early in the morning. Whether it is to crunch a project, or set plans for the day, they conquer their morning. And consequently, have a splendid day!
Related: 15 Tips On How To Wake Up Earlier And Not Feel Tired
6. They know when to take a break
Successful women understand the importance of breaks. Work isn’t everything, and they know this. Sometimes, the most productive thing you can do is just to relax. There are times when you will have to carry out certain tasks, however, the cognitive and emotional strengths will be lacking.
During these times, always step back from work and take a break.
7.They never give up
Let’s face the harsh reality of life; the road will not always be smooth! Success has many bus-stops, and one of them is failure.
Yes, successful women fail.
And fail again…
And again…
And again…
However, they never give up. Afar off, they stare at their goals and do all it takes to take hold of it. A successful woman would never accept failure and let the weight of the world bring her down! In the wake of adversity, successful women persevere.
If you want to be like them, acquire this habit too – you would be needing it!

8. They surround themselves with like-minded people
A successful woman knows the importance of having like-minded people around her. In this sense, like-minded people are people who share similar goals and ambitions with her. This not only keeps her positive, but it also motivates her to become a better version of herself.
You too!
Make sure the people around you are making you grow. If not, disassociate yourself from them and find some new company.
9. They are financial savvy
They build themselves to attract money. However, they also know how to keep the money. Here’s a truth most people will never tell you: To be rich, it is not about how much money you make, but how much money you can keep.
Successful women apply this. So, when building their empire, they also equip themselves with the needed skills to sustain it. Financial intelligence is the key to getting rich. Get it!
10. Successful women communicate well
It goes without saying that we are in the information age. Consequently, money flows where there is information. However, it isn’t enough to have this information, you must also learn the act of communicating it.
Effective communication skills are one of the skills successful women acquire. Through this, they tend to build lasting relationships.
11. Successful women fall in love with the process
Another pro tip: the joy from accomplishment isn’t gotten from success itself, but from the process.
Although success is majorly result-based, a successful woman allows herself to sink into the process because it allows her to blossom and grow. She loves the learning moments; the hard times and the easy ones.
All in all, she allows the process to mold her into what she wants to be. So, when next you see a successful woman, don’t check only the result, but also study the process she took.
12. Minimize distractions
Whether it is the television or text notifications, distractions are distractions. Distractions only divert your attention from what truly matters to something less important. This way, they keep you from staying on track.
Successful women know that to achieve or maintain success, they must always show up for themselves at all times. When it is time for work, they put aside any device – or person – that could be a potential source of distraction.
Distraction, in itself, could come in the form of a legitimate event such as a social gathering with friends, or an extremely ridiculous one such as spending all day on Twitter.
Either way, I repeat, distractions are distractions. Anything that causes your eye to shift from your goals is a distraction. Put it away. This is one of the habits of successful women that may seem miniscule but is actually very important.
13. Successful women do important tasks first
Not all tasks are equal.
In case you aren’t aware, some are less important than others. This fact is irrefutable along with the human race. However, the flexible area of this fact is the difference in ‘what really matters’ to everyone.
Successful women come up with a scale of preference. Most times, activities that are more in line with their goals are put above the rest.
You can too. Come up with a scale of preference that makes your goals more achievable, and do the important stuff first!
Related: 10 Effective Time Management Tips That Really Work
14. They are compassionate and kind
‘What goes around comes around.’
Even though that might sound a little cliché, successful women pay heed to the intricate details of that quote. Simply put, they practice what they would love to receive.
In this case, all of them are really kind and compassionate. Being empathic enough to decipher the moods of people and how to approach situations, they grow their relationships into what they want it to be.
The old view of being ruthless to succeed is gone!
15. Successful women build a killer network
Relationships are the currency of the 21st century. Successful women do everything within their means to continuously build their network. Instead of shutting everyone out, they welcome people in. Instead of being ruthless and inconsiderate, they are kind and understanding.
These and many more qualities, foster the building of good relationships and hence, a killer network. So, stop acting like you can do it all by yourself. The way up, actually, is consciously building a network of professionals and like-minds.
16. They are not afraid of failure
Failure inspires winners. Failure discourages losers. That is the slang of successful women. Sooner or later, you are going to fail.
If you want to be as successful as these women, you must move into a winner’s mindset.
17. They are good listeners
A major skill needed for effective communication is an attentive ear. A successful woman listens. She does so not because she is obliged to, but because she wants to understand others’ standpoint.
By doing this, she gets inspired by their successes and learns from their failures. By learning from others, she becomes better herself and positively influences those around her.
18. I can, I can, I can.
Those are the words of a successful woman. Successful women never give up. Neither are they discouraged by a seemingly insurmountable mountain. Instead, they push. Beyond the obstacle, they push. Until they reach their goal, they push.
The phrase, ‘I can’t’ isn’t found in a successful woman’s library. Instead, she looks for ways to make a door out of a rock.
Ever persistent, ever courageous, ever brave.
19. Successful women dedicate time to get their lives organized
Nope, they don’t jump into the day just like that. A successful woman understands the impact of her environment on her mental health. So, she dedicates time every day to keep her surroundings tidy.
The dishes and laundry must always be taken care of. Also, she makes sure her room, home, and office-environment are well-kept. This way, she has the cognitive and mental ability to focus on important tasks of the day without getting bogged down by the environment.
20. Successful women never stop reading and learning
They read, learn, and take action. Read, learn, and take action.
And the cycle goes on and on.
Successful women are never tired of the learning process. Since taking action is the greatest way to learn, they constantly take action. Whenever she is ignorant about a subject matter, a successful woman asks questions and goes out of her way to educate herself.
For you…
It is your turn to become a successful woman too! I want to remind you that it is okay if you haven’t developed these habits. In fact, if you could read this piece to the end, there is an iota of a successful woman inside of you.
So, train her – constantly monitor yourself; always check to see that these habits are in place.
You can do it too.
You can become a successful woman too.
Related reads:
- 10 Things To Do Every Sunday For A Productive Week
- 15 Tips On How To Change Your Life For The Better
- 10 Things To Do Before Bed Every Night As Part Of Your Evening Routine
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