It’s normal to procrastinate and put off doing something because you don’t feel like it in the moment. But when is enough, enough? Today I want to share some tips on how to stop being lazy and stop procrastinating and become more productive instead. It all starts with the desire…
Time waits for nobody. It literally flies and never stops flying. The best we can do is maximize the usage of time because whatever we do with our time is strictly up to us. Today I want to share some tips on how to stop wasting time and become more…
What does it mean to be a strong, successful woman? The definition of success is of course different for everyone. For some, it’s being financially independent, for others it can be as simple as just being happy. It doesn’t matter what success is to you, what’s important is that you…
10 Effective Time Management Tips That Really Work
There is a popular perception that time is everything; be it money, success, health, progress, life, anything, and everything. Truly, who you are or who you will become has a lot to do with how you’ve been spending your time and how you’ll continue spending it. Today we’ll look at…
10 Things To Do Every Sunday For A Productive Week
For some people, Sunday is a day to relax, walk around the house in underwear (or even nothing at all), catch up on the latest TV series or simply…sleep. For others, it’s a day to do all the fun things they didn’t have time to do during the week. And…
20 Productive Things To Do At Home When You Are Bored
If you have some time on your hands, or if you’re stuck at home without anything to do, it’s easy to start to feel bored. However there are quite a number of productive things to do at home when you are bored. And it can be pretty fun too. Everyone…