A lot of us have many ways we practice self-care. We tend to manage our bodies in the best way we can in order to be in good shape. We also try to cultivate a positive mindset so that we are mentally sound. Today I’ll share some tips for you to develop a proper self care night routine to help you do just that.
Now, the idea of a self care night routine might be new to you. Some may even find it needless, but is it?
According to findings, a higher percentage of happy, productive people are those who effectively integrate morning and night self care routines into their lives.
You may be wondering if it is possible to adopt and master self care habits. Although it requires your conscious effort, certain factors increase your chances of implementing whatever routine you take up;
- Firstly, you can decide to choose the ones that work for you. Anything you find too difficult can wait.
- Secondly, you can also decide to only adopt only the things you enjoy.
- You can make it as simple as you want.
- You can adopt only routines that bring some balance to your life.
Below, I will share 11 things to do as part of your self care night routine. You can use the ones that work for you. I’d like to believe you will live a much happier and fulfilled life if you can keep up with at least some of them. Only if they work for you of course.
Related reads:
- 30 Easy Ways To Practice Self Care You Need To Try
- Morning Habits To Supercharge Your Day With Positivity
- 15 Bad Habits To Break This Year If You Want A Happy Life

1. Draw A Warm Or Cold Bath
Your self care night routine can start by drawing yourself a bath – hot or cold – depending on the weather and what suits you at that particular time. This should be done immediately you get home from work.
You might have had a stressful day, so the best you can do for yourself is to calm your nerves and relax your muscles by having your bath immediately you get home. Also, make it a habit to brush your teeth before bed. It feels great!
Have you ever gotten home and been so tired to do anything but to sleep off? I’m sure you enjoyed your sleep, but then how did you feel the next morning?
Fresh or rancid?
Strong or tired?
Well, however you feel the next morning, the bottom line is that you won’t feel your best. Hence, why don’t you make it your bedtime routine to shower, brush, and feel fresh before retiring to bed? Life will definitely feel better.
2. Put On Something Comfortable
Of course, you don’t want to remain in the same clothes all day! Not only will it make you uncomfortable, but it’s just…not nice.
Even before you return from work, you are probably yearning to be home already and make yourself a bit comfortable. One good way to ensure such comfort is by changing your work clothes into something more cosy, warm, and comfortable.
This singular act can help you mark the difference between work and rest. It will make your evening kind of unique and different from the rest of the day.
When you have a clearly defined wardrobe for work that is different from that of home, you will have a psychological shift once you get home and change into those nighties or pyjamas. You will simply feel at home!
3. Create Time For Yourself
This is one self care night routine people ignore a lot.
You might have had a tough time working all day. Perhaps, you even carried some work home to continue. While I won’t condemn such hard work completely, it’s also important to remind you that you really need to create time for yourself…
There are a whole lot of things you can do with such “self-time”, but in all, it has to be for your self-care.
You can start by setting aside an hour (in the evening) to focus on what you love.
After you have taken your bath and changed into something quite comfortable, the next in line is to spend time on that activity you really enjoy doing.
I know people who really find writing very interesting. But then you can choose to use this lovely time to watch that fascinating show on TV.
You can also decide to listen to those podcasts you’ve been planning to listen to but couldn’t make out time for. What about tuning into your favourite radio station to listen to that program you find quite educative?
Other activities you should consider are;
- Going for a walk
- Yoga
- Hitting the gym
- Creative paintings or other forms of art, etc.
Actually, your body and mind need such every evening and hence, it will be a massive way to rob yourself if you don’t create the time to do what you find interesting.
4. Read Books
Consider adopting reading as your night routine, you won’t regret it.
Before going to bed, reading is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Reading a fiction/nonfiction book or an interesting storyline can actually be quite fun.
To actualize this, you can set a goal to read a specific number of books within a calendar year.
The question now is, do you like reading? Why not give it a try?
Based on research findings, reading has a tremendous way of improving your mental capacity! This is because while reading, you are concentrating, co-ordinating, and at the same time memorizing!
Besides, it might also thrill you to know that reading is far more effective in reducing the effect of stress than tea or coffee. Moreover, reading the right books can single handedly help you in winning the fight against depression.

5. Create A Time For Daily Reflection
Have you ever considered having time to think and reminisce about your daily events? Actually, it’s a very essential self-care night routine you should adopt!
Just before you retire to bed, you should dedicate thirty minutes or an hour for meditation. Fifteen minutes is alright too for a start. Reflect on your daily activities; your job, your engagements, your losses, wins, decisions, even your utterances/responses. Think about all of them. Ascertain what you did right and what you need to do better.
You can do this in the form of journaling. While reflecting, write down all the things you consider noteworthy; both events that made you happy or sad should be well noted in your journal.
Journaling is a fantastic way to reflect. It will help you hold on to those happy moments and at the same time, give you the opportunity to ease any sadness that might have accumulated on your mind during the course of the day.
Related: 20 Deep Self-Reflection Questions To Ask Yourself
6. Practice Gratitude
When you make gratitude a habit, you won’t only be happier as a person, but you will also find joy in living.
You don’t have to wait till you win a major contract before you can be grateful. You can simply start by appreciating the little things that happen every day that you usually ignore. For instance, no matter how hard the day gets, you can choose to be grateful you have a roof over your head.
7. Adopt A Daily Skin Care Routine
There are certain factors that will actually aid your skin.
First, if for some reason you couldn’t shower, then before bed, you must wash your face; do away with the make-up on your face if there is any. Sleeping with an unwashed face will keep your face oily. This can accumulate dirt or germs that can cause certain inflammations.
Moreover, based on research findings, sleeping with make-up increases the rate at which you age. In other words, night makeup could result in faster aging! Therefore, always wash it away!
8. Declutter Each Evening
This might feel very tiring, given the fact that you just want to relax every evening. Doing chores is perhaps the last thing you are ready for. But then it’s important to declutter from time to time.
If you decide to do without regular tidying of the house, I’m sure you can imagine what your home will look like after a while? It will certainly not make you feel good; both physically and psychologically.
Nothing can put you in a bad mood more than waking up in a dirty environment where the restroom is not encouraging and the kitchen sink is nothing to write home about!
If you eventually decide to leave it and go about your daily business, you won’t really be comfortable knowing fully well those dirty dishes and untidy rooms are still waiting for you. However, the moment you decide to clean up, the relief you’ll get to feel afterward can only be compared to heavenly salvation.
A tidy environment brings about a good vibe and energy. It gives your environment a unique kind of freshness. Just imagine how you feel when you lay down on freshly washed sheets… Whew!
Making this one of your self care night routines is paramount because it is a basic habit that will surely improve the quality of life you live.
By nature, you are a social being. Therefore, one good way to treat yourself right every evening is by socializing; not just with a random person but with your family. Having a daily evening routine of connecting with your household will keep you in the right frame of mind before bed. You will wake up mentally stronger.
Being with your family won’t only help you all create that bond, it will also serve as an opportunity to express love amongst yourselves. As a matter of fact, if your household is happy, you will be happier as a person. Consequently, your social life will blossom!
Now, when you don’t relate with your household in this manner, you might have no reason to leave home a happy person.
And if you can’t spend quality time with your family, how sure are you to do so with your business partners or clients?
9. Prepare For Tomorrow
Someone who prioritizes productivity should always prepare for the next day.
Assuming you have an important presentation to deliver tomorrow, it’s obviously advisable to use the previous night to prepare for the big day ahead.
This will make you ready and equipped and hence, what would have been a very difficult day will be easier and properly handled.
10. Routinize Your Bed Time
Okay forget the sequence, this is probably the first thing you should consider making your routine.
Are you the type that only sleeps when you are done with every other activity? Is your sleeping time irregular or solely dependent on when you are done working? Then, my friend, you have to re-strategize.
Create a specific time that you MUST go to bed, no matter what. It’s very important for your general wellbeing.
When you have a regular bedtime, you will maintain a certain level of fitness which will make it less difficult to embark on your daily tasks. As a result, you will be quite productive!
It’s a fact that you need enough sleep to function optimally, and for that reason, sleeping well every day (based on your schedule) will make your functionality consistent.
Related: 15 Tips On How To Wake Up Earlier And Not Feel Tired
Final thoughts
Finally, after you’ve spent the whole day striving to make ends meet, taking care of others, working and satisfying your clients, surely, you will feel like slumping onto your bed.
But then, this rest might be short-lived because you will most likely wake up at midnight, feeling like you left certain things undone. In the end, you might not really have the kind of sleep you desired.
But when you have a certain self care night routine as discussed right here, you will sleep comfortably knowing fully well that you’ve done the needful.
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