You’ve probably seen those women who seem unfazed, no matter the situation they face; smiling and standing strong! Have you ever tried to guess why they are the way they are? What comes to your mind whenever you think of the word “confident woman”? Today I’d like to share some of these traits of confident women that you can also make part of your life and daily habits.
Do you imagine a superwoman with a flowing cape or just an elegant lady in a suit exuding a powerful aura? Whichever it is, you would agree with me that surely, they do have something in common. Curious? Then, read on.
In this article, I will reveal to you what has been cultured in the minds of these audacious women…their traits!
Traits Of Confident Women
As with most habits, you can adopt these traits of confident women to give you that boost needed to push you to the top. Nevertheless, you should take note that you do not necessarily need to have all of them to be confident. So, do not see yourself as ‘incomplete’ because of this. Just do well to adopt a number of them, and you are good to go.
Ready to dive into the deep?
If so, here are 15 traits – that if adopted today – would bring out the confident self within you:

1. She understands that she is not perfect
All humans have a tendency to make mistakes, and a confident woman knows and acknowledges this fact. This provides a platform for bold steps such as taking on new risks, a new job or facing any situation without having to worry about whether the turnout would be perfect or not.
You should mainly focus on giving your best shot to whatever you do and if you need help, do not feel belittled or threatened; ask for help. What possible damage would it cost to ask for help?
2. She admits her flaws
This tails onto number one. Owing to the fact that she acknowledges she is not perfect, a confident woman is able to own her actions/ choices and admit that she made a mistake whenever the need arises.
As a confident woman, you should be able to apologize for your mistakes without trying to shift the blame or give excuses for it. More importantly, you must always be ready to take corrective action. Put aside that ego of yours so that you can learn from your mistakes.
3. A confident woman does not hold on to past mistakes
Having apologized for her mistakes, she releases every guilt she might have had with that situation. She understands that mistakes are meant to make her grow and are not something to hold on to.
Guilt is a temporary emotion that is supposed to pave the way for breakthroughs; through corrections from past failures. Guilt from your past mistakes shouldn’t hinder you from taking a step into the next opportunity that might come your way. Learn to move on. A confident woman sees every failure as an opportunity to grow, to expand her horizon.
Also, you should know that life is not a bed of roses, and you might hurt or be hurt by others in the future. This should not stop you from moving forward. In the wake of adversity, persevere. If possible, try to make enough provisions for those kinds of situations. Learn to let go and do not make it too personal by taking it to heart. Be ready to forgive yourself and let go of the past.
4. She is a good listener
Another important trait of confident women is that they take time to listen to people. It might seem like talking more or being a good orator is the ideal trait of a confident woman. Yes, it is part of it but do well not to underestimate the power of confidence in silence.
A confident woman knows better than to ignore the constructive criticism of others. She might choose to apply what she has heard or decline it, but she makes sure she listens first.

5. She does not conform
In the previous trait listed, a confident woman listens to others but doesn’t allow it to define who she is. She knows what she wants, listens to people’s criticisms and then decides whether it is useful to her or not.
It will help if you do not rely on the praises of people to feel good. Have a mind of your own and do not conform to the sheer desires of others just because you want to be liked. Be aware of the fact that you cannot please everyone.
Whether or not you do what is right or wrong, some people would still complain. Why then stress yourself trying to please everyone? Doing this is definitely a sure way to failure. Instead, acknowledge the fact that you are a unique personality and you shouldn’t compare yourself with other women.
6. A confident woman knows when to say NO
A confident woman does not make promises beyond her capabilities nor does she over commit. You should know your boundaries and be able to say NO when the situation is not according to what you can make provision for. It’s pretty simple – just say no.
Do not over-commit and end up under-delivering. It would be a stain on your white clothing because you would become a person no one can rely on. Too many commitments are not favorable for your all-round health. Learn to say no.
7. She practices self-love
If you do not take care of yourself, you would get exhausted and ultimately, frustrated. Every confident woman knows better than to stress herself trying to please others or overwork herself at her detriment.
Take a break, make out time for yourself, take a trip alone, eat well, exercise well. For maximum productivity, you need to be in the perfect state of health. Health is wealth, and it should never be underestimated.
8. She chooses her friends wisely
There is a saying that goes thus “show me your friend and I will tell you who you are”. Most people say it but hardly apply it to their lives. A confident woman understands that her circle of friends plays a huge role in shaping her mindset and personality as a whole, so she is cautious when choosing her friends and not the other way around. Choose positive, like-minded friends who share similar goals with you and are always ready to hold and pull you up whenever it feels like you are drowning.
9. She is not complacent
One of the most essential traits of confident women is that they are never satisfied with being stagnant. A confident woman outdoes herself in everything and everywhere she finds herself. She goes out of her comfort zone to gain more knowledge.
Be more industrious, read wide and deep; discover yourself. What is that talent you have? What field of study do you have interest in? Love dancing, why not go professional? Playing the instruments? Go for it. Who knows? You might just be the next big thing. Even the little things you count insignificant, they all matter. You would be amazed at what you can actually do. Success is intentional; see it and be it.
10. She doesn’t try to be everything
In as much as she is not complacent, a confident woman doesn’t try to be everything. You might want to be industrious, move out from your comfort zone and all, but you should also know when to stop.
Do not try to take on a lot of things at once. It is better to be a master of one than to be a jack of all trades. It would also give you time to perfect the skills you have already acquired and even break new grounds in your current field.
11. She uses positive words
Positive words have a very massive impact on your day and you as a person. Using positive words would shape your mindset towards having a better day in the end, even though there might be ups and downs. Speak positive affirmations to yourself. It could be a prayer or a motivational quote, or probably, just a soothing word – say it regularly!
A confident woman uses her words to build up not only herself but also other people.
12. Confident women set clear goals and take actions on them
Setting goals is one of the must-have traits of confident women. This acts as a guide for her and helps to cut down unnecessary activities that can deviate her from her goals. It is one thing to set goals and another to take action on them.
Unless you take action on your goals, they will remain a mere dream. So, while setting your goals, do well to put the necessary measures in place. Ask yourself what you want to achieve in the next two months and the steps you would take to attain your goal. Now, could you write it down? Put it where you can access it daily, maybe close to your bedside and read it out clearly and loudly every day. Yes, it’s this easy, you are becoming confident already!
13. She understands her strengths and weaknesses
Understanding your personality and what works best for you is a plus. It helps you plan your day, guide you on how to take actions on your goals, keeps you healthy and most importantly, helps you perform to the best of your abilities.
For instance, if you tend to assimilate better at night, then you should read more at night, rather than wasting your whole day with a book and getting nothing while you could have used it for a more productive activity.
14. A confident woman can take care of herself financially
Being financially savvy is a fundamental trait of confident women. To be a confident woman, you should be able to stand on your own even if there is no financial support from others. Your partner might prefer to take care of most financial expenditures, but at least, you should be able to take care of the main payments. You do not have to be totally financially dependent on anyone.
However, it isn’t just about making money, as most people are already thinking. The main issue here is managing the money…Financial intelligence. Acquire it.
15. She is not desperate for attention
This is often one of the overlooked traits of confident women.
You do not always have to be the center of attraction. This does not mean you are introverted or running away from the public. It just shows that you are mature enough to let others have that spotlight, and you are also confident because you know that people’s attention doesn’t determine your worth/ value.
Related reads:
- 30 Easy Ways To Practice Self Care You Need To Try This Year
- 10 Valuable Things You Will Regret Not Doing Sooner
- 9 Tips To Stop Sabotaging Yourself And Your Success
- How To Take Responsibility For Your Life And Stop Making Excuses
Final Thoughts
You too can adopt these traits of a confident woman!
To crown it all, you should have it in mind that the confident women are not necessarily the prettiest, the slimmest, or the most influential/ successful. They are considered as confident women because they disciplined themselves, had a goal in mind and worked towards it while using the constructive criticism of others to build themselves in ways that made them outstanding.
Confident women never use people’s opinions as a yardstick to measure their self-worth. They understand what it means to be financially savvy, and to be surrounded by positively, like-minded friends, as well as knowing the right situations to say no. And they see the value of self-love, positive words.
They do not try to be everything at once. They have clear goals and follow-up actions they are ready to take to attain their goal. Learning is a constant trait, and they understand that they are not perfect; hence they admit their flaws and make appropriate corrections when necessary.
Also, as I said earlier, you shouldn’t beat yourself up if you feel you do not have all of these traits of a confident woman. In fact, if you could read this to the end, you are already on the right track!
The next step is to take action on these outlined traits, adopt them, and you sure are good to go.
Go and become a confident woman!
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