Being a girl boss simply entails being a go-getter, taking responsibility for your words and actions, and living a purposeful life. Phew! That’s pretty much yeah? Not even considering the benefits that come with it. Today I’ll be sharing some powerful girl boss habits you can adopt to up-level your life.
It’s quite easy to sit on the couch and read through this but having to make these habits a daily ritual takes more than just getting excited. Consistency and 0% laziness should be the watchwords for every aspiring boss lady.
Copying girl boss habits that will bring you significant change is not going to be a piece of cake. There will be different forces and scenarios that might leave you hanging in the garden of “I’m so exhausted, I barely have time to breathe, how do I go about this?”
But trust me, it’s worth the effort. Nobody’s life is all perfect and fancy like the pictures in our daydreams so don’t expect to suddenly take up and master these habits overnight.
Take your time, understand why you’re doing this, let it sink in and of course, it’s all about baby steps. So, let’s take an in-depth look at 10 of the girl boss habits that will change your life and help you be a better person.
Related reads:
- 15 Ways To Improve Your Happiness And Enjoy Your Life
- 20 Habits Of Successful Women To Adopt Today
- 50 Gratitude Journal Prompts To Help You Live Your Dream Life

1. Make Purposeful Living Your Niche
Knowing your life purpose is the first step toward living a truly conscious life. A life of purpose provides us with a clear goal, a set finish line that you truly want to reach. ~Simon Foster
The foremost habit to emulate as a girl boss is living purposefully everyday. Like I said, it’s easy for you to just run through all the 10 habits listed out here and try to live up to them, but guess what? Without a driving force, it won’t last.
Your thoughts, actions and every day decision making should be tied to your purpose. It should be your driving force in life. Being a girl boss means living with intentions. Now the question is, do you have a purpose? Don’t just pass time or live everyday as it comes – live intentionally. Be purposeful, be a girl boss!
2. Have A Plan And Stick To It
I’m sure you aspire to make one, two or all of your dreams come true. Either long term or short term, achieving a goal requires that you have a plan on how to go about it.
For instance, if your goal is to improve your grades from third class to 1st class by the end of the academic year, ensuring you go for classes and studying more extensively is great then to achieve such goals.
However, don’t just create plans, stick to them. It might be hard but it’s not impossible. No matter what the outcome is, at the end you will be fulfilled and super proud you made an effort. Always remember, you can do whatever you put your mind to.
If you plan to make it happen and stick to that plan, come what may, it will happen. Sticking to a goal plan is one of the best girl boss habits that will change your life for good.
3. Be An Early Bird
Being an early bird is not just about waking up early in the morning, it’s also about completing tasks within the stipulated time frame, being on time for scheduled meetings and events and also meeting up with work deadlines.
However, all these will be seldom possible if you start off your day wishing you can use the time machine, put the alarm clock on snooze or even speed off to another adventure in Dreamland. That’s certainly a grumpy kick-start for a girl boss.
Now is definitely not the time to dread the early morning blues. Waking up as early as possible in the morning has got loads of benefits that come with it. It helps you to be mentally alert, have a productive day and reduces your stress levels.
To make this bag of goodies hers, a girl boss ensures she sleeps early enough to wake up early and hearty. You don’t expect to be booed up with Netflix until 3am and then wake up at 5am rejuvenated. That’s mission impossible, unless you plan to have an unproductive day with a banging hangover to go with it.
Related: 15 Tips On How To Wake Up Earlier And Not Feel Tired
4. Get Adequate Rest And Sleep
Speaking of hangovers, I hope you’re aware that excessive alcohol intake is not the only causal factor for hangovers?
Having a busy day working your butt off with little or no breaks, and pulling all-nighters working on the computer is enough to start your day on an exhausting note (and that is definitely not a girl boss routine).
Since being a boss lady sums up into taking charge and being in control of your life, make sure that influences your physical health and wellbeing too. Know when to rest and when to work.
It’s understandable that being a purpose-driven girl boss can have you bagging the world’s most busy woman award. However, your daily activities if not put in check will have you overworking your body system. It is therefore your responsibility to make a habit of giving your body the proper rest and sleep it needs.
5. Try To Do Away With Procrastination
Another of these premium girl boss habits that will change your life for good is ensuring you give no room for procrastination. Knowing what to do and when to do it should always be a top priority. You’re a top gunner and being a top gunner means you can’t afford a slack in your schedule and plans.
I know it can be pretty hard to stick to schedules at times especially when others are involved (no one is an island and most times, you can’t control other people’s decisions). However, the effects of procrastination are costlier than those of avoiding it.
Procrastination will make you blow opportunities, waste your time, lower your self esteem, make rushed and poor decisions, ruin your reputation and may even cost you your career.
Therefore, ensure you give “doing the right thing at the right time” your best shot. It’s a wonderful girl boss habit to emulate and it will definitely give your life the change you need.

6. Eat Well
Another girl boss habit you need to be familiar with and emulate is having a healthy diet. A busy schedule is a perfect excuse to ditch good foods for junk. It’s okay to want to eat burgers and cookies and hotdogs and down it all with a bottle of soda because you’re yet to collate the PowerPoints for the next presentation and lunchtime is too expensive to spare.
However, junk food will get you a feel good vibe this minute and you’ll be feeling bananas the next. Moral of the story; they are only responsible for some minutes of sugar rush.
Eating healthy meals on the other hand, will not only give your body the adequate supply of nutrients it needs to be able to function well, it will also enhance your immune system, improve your well-being, reduce high blood pressure, lower high cholesterol and improve your ability to recover from illness or injury.
Don’t forget, you are what you eat. A healthy diet equals a healthy body. So make healthy eating a habit today!
7. Cut Down On Frivolity
So far, we have talked about accountability with our time, wellbeing and decisions. Now it’s time we face our personal economies. Before reading further, kindly take some minutes to reflect on how you have managed your finances in the past few months.
I hope you are proud of your findings. One of the girl boss habits you have got to adopt is being responsible with every penny that you get to have. Learn to track your expenses, query your need to buy or spend no matter how much or little money is involved.
The truth is, you can’t outgrow the basics. If you can’t be accountable with your personal finances, how then will you be able to manage that of your organisation? Therefore, try to make sure your expenses are well tracked and your finances are perfectly managed. It’s a great habit to cultivate. That’s what girl bosses do!
8. Have A Defined Use Of Media
Except you are a journalist, PR, blogger or any other media personnel, there is no reason why you should be on the internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Even if your work is related to any of the above mentioned, ensure you take time off and have some quiet time to yourself.
TV, the internet and other media platforms are full of noise. There are more negatives than positives on them. Loss of quality of life, lack of privacy, decreased safety and security, and harm to social relations are a few of the negative effects of excessive online presence.
Nevertheless, the internet has made access to information easy. It provides effective communication using emailing and instant messaging services to any part of the world and improves business interactions and transactions, saving on vital time.
Therefore, since they are necessary evils in our daily lives, ensure you strike a balance when it comes to their usage. Know when to withdraw their use and have some quiet to yourself every day.
Don’t be carried away by everything you see online, be mindful of what you watch and subscribe to. For instance, seeing tweets on failed marriages, cheating partners and serial breakups more often will have you subscribe to the “men/women are scum/true love does not exist” kind of banter. A girl boss does not do that.
9. Be Organised
From having a well mapped out schedule and creating a clean workspace in your bedroom/study, to making sure no dirty dishes linger in the sink and tidying up the rest of the house, a girl boss sure knows her way around leading a well organised lifestyle.
No matter how busy and rough your day or week might get, make sure you make time out to draw out schedules for the next day, clean up the house, do the dishes and your laundry and clear out items that are seldom useful to you.
If you’ve got an early morning, ensure your outfit of choice is readily available. It is also noteworthy that our environment has a way of influencing our mental and of course physical health. You can’t expect much productivity in a disorganised environment.
A clumsy place equals a clumsy mind. To have a healthy girl boss lifestyle, ensure there’s no exemption of any of the above mentioned activities. It’s not always so effortless especially when exhaustion and fatigue from previous work and activities sets in.
However, try to make a habit of it. You can even do it alongside something fun like listening to music. That way, it will be less of a chore for you. Nevertheless, if you’re extremely tired or busy, there are a couple of cleaning services that the lady in distress can call to her rescue (only the bills might feel the strain though).
10. Create Time For Reflection
The final girl boss habit to attain a better change in life is reflecting. At the end of each day and every passing week, ensure you do a reflective check on yourself.
It will help you identify how far you’ve come with achieving your purpose, which goals you’re yet to attain, what habit you need to change or emulate and ultimately how to be a better person. Reflection is a great way to help every girl boss strengthen their emotional intelligence, improve their self esteem and confidence.
It will also help you to make better decisions in the future. Surprised at how much having some quiet time alone to think about past actions and events can benefit you? Don’t be! Have a self reflection check today!
Related: 20 Deep Self-Reflection Questions To Ask Yourself
And there you have it, girls. Now it’s time to get your action pants on and be the girl boss you truly are.
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