It’s normal for anyone to get cranky, touchy or worked up every now and then. Seems like everyone on the equator has got a blue feeling to deal with lately, but hold up! Time to snap out of all that. Here are some quick and easy ways to make someone happy and make them smile today.
Why make someone smile?
Being alive is a gift and we shouldn’t forget that we must move on, make the most of every opportunity to live a happy life and make others happy too. Speaking of making others happy, sometimes we feel like people differ and we seldom have a clue on what to do to bring a smile to someone’s face.
Nevertheless, there are few general ways to make people happy and brighten their day. Here are 30 sweet ways to make someone happy. It’s as easy as 1, 2…30!
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Easy ways to make someone happy:
1. Give Compliments
Everyone loves to be told how awesome their hair looks or how lovely their outfit is. Complimenting people is a sure fire way to get them in a good mood. So when next a friend comes visiting, putting on a sad face, you could change their foul mood by letting them know how amazing their outfit looks. To make someone happy, keep the compliments rolling in.
2. Smile
A smile is contagious and laughter spreads faster. So next time you’re racking your brain on how to make someone happy, you could just smile while letting them know all will be well.
3. Lend A Shoulder
When people go through difficult times or are just having a bad day, one way to chase away the blue feeling and make them happy is by being their listening ear and lending a shoulder for them to cry on.
When people talk about a problem or something that bothers them, the weight of worry and anxiety is often lifted off their mind. Who knows? You might even have the perfect solution to that problem. So when someone’s having a difficult time, have them talk to you about it (as long as they are comfortable with it). Remember, a problem shared is half solved.
4. Surprise Visits
Imagine showing up at the front porch of your long time friend who you have not seen for a loooong time. The surprise, excitement and happiness that comes with this is enough to light up their world.
However, if you’re going to do this, ensure you actually have an idea of the schedule of your host in order to avoid hiccups in your plans. Surprises are great, but only when they come at the right time.
5. Give To Charity
Another great way to spread happiness and good tidings around you is by giving to charity. Charity homes and organizations sometimes lack basic amenities and supplies to keep them running effectively and a good way to make not just one person but a group of people happy is by giving to them.
Giving food supplies, clothing, beddings, toiletries and money are ways of spreading your kindness to others.
6. Organize and Participate In Fundraisers
Participating in fundraisers to help raise awareness about certain issues or raise funds for the needy and homeless will go a long way to make others happy.

7. Volunteer
Being part of a community service not just because you’re an offender or serving detention but because you feel the need to is a way of spreading kindness. Sparing some hours to help make sure the community is up and running is such a beautiful way to make someone happy.
8. Call
Everybody is into the whole 21st century texting, tagging and DM-ing that we only resort to calling people when we need help. For some people, calling feels like going back to the 90s. So when next you want to put a smile on your friend’s face, you could switch from the routine sending of texts by calling to check on them. I bet your call will have them smiling in seconds.
9. Give Out
Okay so you probably do the traditional garage sales to make some cash off the things you don’t need in the house anymore. Great! However, you can be a little bit spontaneous this year.
You can organize a garage sale and have people come around then give those items away rather than sell them. If you can’t afford to give everything out, you can sell some and give out others.
10. Check Up On Your Parents
At times we get too busy with adulthood, routines and chasing the bag that we forget about primary relationships like the ones with our parents. They in turn are often unhappy about our absence at home.
So, a good way to make them happy and keep up with the tracks you may have missed with them is by checking up on them. You can choose to pay them a visit or call them, either ways, you will be putting a smile on their faces.
11. Spread Laughter
Making people laugh till their ribs crack is like magic. And you don’t have to be a stand-up comedian to pull this off. Telling jokes, narrating a funny incident, sharing funny memes, stickers and cartoons are great starters. Of course, you can also get them a ticket to watch a stand-up comedy show!
12. Lend A Helping Hand
From helping someone pull up a zipper to fixing a broken screen and taking the clothes away from the line when it’s about to rain, nothing is too small to make someone smile. So when next someone is in need of help and you know it’s within your capacity to lend a hand, do not hesitate to do so.
13. Give A Tip
When you go out and you’d like to spread the aroma of kindness and happiness, you could tip the waiter or tell the cab driver to keep the change. A few dollars won’t hurt your pocket (much), rather it will make someone happy.
14. Cheer
You could be a cheerleader for a friend or colleague who’s got some challenges to deal with (no need to put on a mini skirt though). Telling them how strong and capable they are and giving them words of encouragement when they’ve got issues to deal with or a presentation coming up will not only make them happy, but it will also boost their morale to do better.
15. Help With The Chores
So what if a friend tells you about how not so good their day went and how cranky that made them feel, and you’ve got little or no idea on what to do to make them feel better? Well, here’s one way.
You could show you care by showing up at their house with some words of encouragement and some superpowers too. Helping them with the chores, petty tasks and cleaning the house will surely put a huge smile on their face.
16. Offer To Make Dinner
Making sure your friend doesn’t go to bed on an empty stomach is a great way to show your kindness and lift their mood. So if you’ve got good culinary skills, then here’s a chance to put them to good use. Be a good person today by making their favorite meal or snack.
17. Hangout With A Friend
Just in case helping out with the chores feels like a feat too challenging to achieve and your culinary skills are nothing to speak of, you could make someone feel better by taking them out. Their favorite spot or restaurant are fun places they will greatly appreciate and be happy about.
18. Write A Letter
I know the days of fax machines and postal services are far spent. However, you can still make a loved one happy by writing to them. You could write about how wonderful they are and how blessed you are to have them, then have your delivery service finish the work. They’ll be so happy about it!
19. Commend
When someone needs a referral or recommendation from you, not hesitating to help (as long as they actually deserve it) will go a long way to help their career. The same goes for writing reviews for your service providers and the products you consume.
Giving them a good review won’t hurt especially when it is well deserved. They are humans too, rather than leave that space blank, commend their efforts!
20. Be grateful
When people do things for you, say thank you. It’s simple courtesy. Also, letting your friends, siblings, partner, or teammates know how glad you are to have them with you will go a long way in making them feel appreciated and loved. You shouldn’t always be expecting things from others, do your part to give what you can, no matter how little.
21. Be Polite
Nobody likes being disrespected. An act of kindness and politeness might be what will make someone’s day especially when they’ve had a haughty boss or colleague to deal with all day long.
22. Plan A Surprise Holiday
When next you want to make a friend happy and you’re well boxed up for it, you could go out of your way to plan a surprise weekend getaway. To make things more spicy, you could have them all set and packed and not let them know until you’re on the way to your destination. They’ll be thrilled! Of course, be sure their schedule allows for this before attempting such a surprise!
23. Sing
Whether your vocal cords are as good as Celine Dion’s or they are as terrible as a bear’s (can bears even sing?), singing for a friend is a perfect mood lifter and a good way to make them happy.
It’s either you get them smiling with admiration and blushing or rolling on the floor with laughter at your attempt to deliver a good performance. Either way, you’ll be spreading happiness.
24. Give Thoughtful Gifts
Perhaps your friend has been complaining about their faulty mobile device or they won’t stop talking about a stunning outfit they noticed some days ago. How about you make them delighted by getting them those things? They will definitely appreciate it.
25. Say Hello
Smiling and saying “hello” to a stranger could make them smile back and leave a happy memory in their heart.
26. Apologize
When things turn sour or go haywire between you and a friend, and you are at fault, the best way to restore your relationship and be happy again is by apologizing sincerely. Saying “I’m sorry” when you mean it works a great deal of magic here.
27. Spend Quality Time
By now, you should be aware that making others happy is not always about giving them material things. Although physical gifts are awesome, the best gift you can give someone is your time. An important way to make a loved one happy is by spending quality time with them.
28. Remember Special Events
If you remember dates that are special to someone, you will win a place in their heart. Observing/celebrating those days with them will not only strengthen your bond, but it will also make them glad to have you in their life.
29. Give Reassurance
Sometimes, what someone who feels down wants to hear is how much better things can be, how great they are doing and what things they can do to be a better person. What other way is there to warm their heart other than being the one to give these reassuring words?
30. Be Happy With You
“Make someone smile everyday, but don’t forget you are someone too.” – Anonymous.
Yeah! It’s good to be a universal joy giver and cheerleader, however, it’s also important to understand that you cannot pour from an empty cup. You have got to look after yourself first. Practice self care, understand what’s best for you and do it.
Do your favorites, chase the bag but don’t forget to relax and enjoy the benefits of your work too. Be happy with you. It is only when you are happy that you will be well motivated to spread the happiness within you. Who knows? Someone might be motivated by your happiness to be happy too!
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